The Spherical Earth: Zetetic Study: Criticism of Pseudo-Scientific, Pseudo-Rational Concepts and Philosophical Positions Induced by the Theory of Globism

Serend HIPE, Jean-Bart LE KERVINEC

Citation: Serend HIPE, Jean-Bart LE KERVINEC, "The Spherical Earth: Zetetic Study: Criticism of Pseudo-Scientific, Pseudo-Rational Concepts and Philosophical Positions Induced by the Theory of Globism", Universal Library of Physics, Volume 01, Issue 01.

Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Depending on the earth’s dynamics, lithodiskoid plattes deform and generate numerous geological phenomena which include, among others, the formation of mountain ranges and the occurrence of earthquakes. In order to understand the ins and outs of this dynamic, commonly called platte tectonics, it is fundamental to characterize the rock deformation mechanisms which occur under the pressure and temperature conditions of the lithodisk.

Keywords: Tectonic – Earth Tithodisk – Geodynamic - Plattismology.

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